Thanks to everyone who turned out for the meeting last night.
At the meeting we discussed the following:
Christmas Fund raising:
Final funds were being totted up for the Christmas Calendars and Toy Show Bags which were a great success.
Leftover Christmas goodies/sweets/presents:
If parents want to pop these into the Honesty Box with a suggested price perhaps they could be purchased by others. Melanie Mageean is looking after the Honesty Box for the month of January so some leftover Christmas goodies could sell well!
75th School Celebrations
The committee discussed this. A Ballymitty School Journal - School Through the Years was suggested which we hope to price and sort. This would include photos, stories, etc.
St. Patrick's Day Parade
The parents discussed having a banner to celebrate our school being 75 years old which would be good advertising for the celebrations. We will ask the Students Council for some ideas on how the children can dress up.
The next Parents and Friends' Group meeting will be Monday 24th February at 7.30pm.