St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Active School Committee

Who is on the Active School Committee in 2022/2023?

2nd Class: Darragh Stafford & Patrick Reville

3rd Class: Scott Doran & Kevin Bennett

4th Class: Paudie Cullen & Darren Diskin

5th Class: Mason Byrne & Eva Jefferson

6th Class: Eric Whelan & Lily Reville

Here is our Active School Committee this year.

Active School.jpg

What is the Active School Committee?

Every September pupils from 2nd - 6th classes are asked if they would like to run for the election to be on the Active School Committee. Pupils must put forward their plan/manifesto outlining all the things they want to do to make our school an Active School. Pupils in each class vote for and elect the pupils they think will make a difference.

The teachers who are involved then meet the newly elected committee. They guide the committee and tell them how a committee runs. The positions of Chairperson & Secretary are elected by the committee.

The Committee meet once every month and they decide on different activities to make sure we are physically active and physically educated in our school.

Some of the activities to be organised by this committee are:

  • Active School Weeks – in February and in June. During these weeks classes take part in activities inside and outside of school such as a Hoolahoopathon, Circuits and Basketball coaching. They also get active homework.
  • A KM a day – We encourage our pupils to build up the strength to run 1 mile per day around the school yard.
  • Active School Motto: Hop, Jump, Skip and Play, Let’s get Active everyday.
  • Help the Student Council to purchase school sports equipment such as basketballs, dodge balls, bean bags etc.
  • The Chairperson summarises the Active School events and activities at the end of term celebration and they also add their news to the Principal's weekly update on the website.

We were awarded our first Active School Blue Flag in 2018.

Let’s keep active!

Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2024 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty