Here is some information about our two classes for pupils with autism.
An Choill Bheag is our Junior ASD class and it means 'The Little Forest'!
An Choill Bheag was first opened in September 2018. The inaugural class comprised of a mixture of junior and senior pupils. However, in September 2019 we opened a second ASD class – ‘An Choill Mhór’ – which caters for our senior ASD pupils.
In Sept. 2022 we opened a new section of our building which is a purpose built space for our pupils with autism. We have two new classrooms, a sensory room, a central activities space for PE, OT etc and a big storage room, two toilets, a shower room and safe spaces. This is a wonderful place for our pupils and staff to be in!
Our new An Choill Bheag Classroom - first opened in Sept. 2022

Our first 'An Choill Bheag' Classroom opened in 2018

We have six pupils in An Choill Bheag.
A regular school day here in An Choill Bheag can be quite action-packed and busy. We do lots of nice activities, including Art, Occupational Therapy, Fine Motor Work, Cookery and Circle Time, to name but a few. We also integrate with the mainstream classes as often as possible.
We use the TEACCH approach with our pupils. This is a structured teaching approach which was specifically developed for pupils with autism. As well as Academic Skills, like Literacy and Numeracy, we also work on Communication, Self-Care/Living Skills and Social & Leisure Skills.
Some of our pupils are pre-verbal so we use a range of different forms of communication within our classroom, including PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) and Lámh (which is a form of sign language) and RPM (which is Rapid Prompting Method) used for some pupils.
It is also very important that we cater for the sensory needs of our pupils. We have a lovely little sensory room in our school, where our pupils go for a daily sensory break. We also timetable a sensory play activity most days.
Photo of Sensory Play

'Five Little Ducks' - Water Play - Sensory Activity from 2020
Every week we join with An Choill Mhór for a social activity together. Sometimes the activity is school-based, like Cookery or Movie Day, but as often as we can we like to get out and about in the community. We love going on the bus to different places like to the playground, the cinema, Leisure Max, horse riding and to the pool or the beach.
Visit to Sensory Santa - Dec 2023

Visit to Railway Yard Gallops 2020

Every Christmas, our staff prepare a beautiful Christmas dinner for the pupils and staff of An Choill. There is lots of festive food and fun!
Here is our group Christmas dinner 2023
Photo of Christmas dinner 2023
Christmas Dinner 2019

We also join up with the mainstream classes from time to time for out-of-school trips. Last year we went to Ballycross Apple Farm, Wexford Library, Wexford Garda Station and to Wexford Arts Centre with the mainstream classes.

'On our best behaviour'
Wexford Garda Station - Spring 2019

'Engrossed in books'
Wexford Public Library - Spring 2019
Sometimes we visit local shops and this year we took a visit to the Red Door in Carrig-on-Bannow.
Photo of Red Door visit

Lunch in Wexford Arts Centre - Spring 2019

An Choill Bheag School Tour
Woodfield House - Summer 2019
In Ballymitty N.S. we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and we love having our new building attached to our school.
‘An Choill Mhór’ is the name of the senior ASD class in Ballymitty N.S which means the 'Big Forest'
An Choill Mhór was first opened in September 2019 and in 2023 we opened our purpose built space for our pupils. Our school has changed so much in all the years!
Here it is many years ago!

Here it is in 2023

Our pupils love their classroom in An Choill Mhór. It is a nice, bright and open space where they can work independently or with the teacher and SNA.

An Choill Mhór Classroom
We have six pupils in An Choill Mhór
Our daily routine within our classroom includes Circle time, Maths, Literacy and Occupational Therapy. For these lessons the class have the advantage of working in a small group setting, with the support of the class teacher and the SNA.
Our pupils are integrated into the mainstream classroom as much as possible throughout the school day for all or some curricular subjects with support from the SNA, where needed.
As in An Choill Bheag, we also have timetabled daily sensory breaks for our pupils. Some pupils go into our Sensory Pod which allows pupils to chill, regulate and listen to some music.

Our Sensory Pod
The highlight of our week is when we join with An Choill Bheag for a social activity together, for example Cookery or Movie Day. Often these are out-of-school activities where we head off on the bus to places like Leisure Max, horse riding, the cinema, the playground, the pool or the beach.
Photo of trip/outing with An Choill Bheag - Red Door
Each year we come together in An Choill for our special Christmas lunch with lots of festive food and fun!
Photo of Christmas dinner
Photo of trip with mainstream classes
Each day we do different activities and exercises in our fabulous Central Activities Space.

Central Activities Space
We spend lots of time on the yard on bikes and trikes and developing our motor and co-ordination skills.
Photo of ACM on yard
We were given a beautiful present of two Ceadogán Rugs for our Central Activity Space. These create colour, texture and a sensory distraction for our pupils.

Ceadogán Rug outside An Choill Mhór classroom