St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Principal's Weekly Message

Principal's Weekly Message

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Some reminders and information:


Hurling every Friday morning at 8.30am for Juniors - 2nd on Tuesdays at 8.30am

Hurling every Friday morning at 8.30am for 3rd - 6th classes. After midterm there will be a lunchtime hurling league for those who are interested - so pupils will have to bring in football boots and a change of socks.

We now have Liam every Friday so there will be hurling every Friday for all classes. Please remember those helmets and hurls!

Hurling Blitzes: These will be held on different Wednesdays as below. There will be 9 aside and ground hurling is promoted for 3rd and 4th classes. We are asking parents to drop and collect children for these as the price of buses is far too expensive.

The dates are:

Reminder of dates:
2nd Class Wednesday 5th February
3rd Class Wednesday 12th February
4th Class Wednesday 26th February

Bannow/Ballymitty Club GAA news

Bannow Ballymitty Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

Girls born from 2019-2013 will start back training on Tuesday 4th Feb 2025 at 6pm.

Everyone Welcome, returning players and new members.

Build on the skills learned in school with Liam Kehoe, Club Games Promotion.

Any queries contact Áine Fitzgerald 087 2710362


Well done to all the pupils who took part in the Scór competition last Weds. It was so great to see and hear all the talent on the stage. A particular congrats to any new pupils who took to the stage for the first time. We had competitors in almost all categories go through to the next round. This will be held on next Weds. Feb. 5th. Pupils to be dropped to the hall at 9.30am. Once again, we don't know the order of the acts until that morning so we will try our best to send the order through the class WhatsApp groups.

There will be a practice in Carrig Hall also on Tuesday morning. So could all Scór competitors in the next round please be dropped to the hall in Carrig for 9.30am on Tuesday and we will finish at 12 midday. All kids to return to school because we will be holding a school performance of all the music, songs and drama that afternoon as a final practice!

Parent/Teacher meeting

Times for these will go out on Tuesday.

Credit Union Quiz teams

This will be held in Rathangan next Friday evening at 7pm.

Enjoy the long weekend everyone,


Feb 17
Parent/Teacher Meetings Day 1
Feb 18
Parent/Teacher Meetings Day 2
Feb 20
Midterm Break
Apr 04
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty