A reminder that the 4th & 5th Class Trip will take place on tomorrow Thursday, 13th March. We will be visiting Enniscorthy Castle, The 1798 Centre and Vinegar Hill.
We will leave the school at 9:20am sharp and we will be back in school for our usual home time of 3pm.
Please ensure that your child:
brings a snack on the day - we do hope to have Fresh Today cold lunch,
brings a drink
has a coat on the day of the tour.
and wear comfortable runners / shoes as there will be a lot of walking involved in the tour.
The cost of the tour including the bus is €20 per child. You will receive an Aladdin link for payment.
Please fill permission slip here for the tour: http://ballymittyns.ie/Forms/Permission-Slip-for-Educational-Trips/3076887/Index.html