Some reminders:
There will be no GAA this Friday in school throughout the day and no GAA at 8.30am. So no need to remember the hurls/helmets this Friday.
Well done to 3rd for taking part in the Hurling Blitz today. Unfortunately one team left so we only played two games but they gave it their best.
4th class blitz will be held on Weds. Feb. 26th - a letter will go out about this next week.
Valentine's Fair
This is an in-school event held on Friday. Only 3rd - 6th class.
Some reminders about this:
- Only 3rd - 6th classes can sell their own arts, crafts, jewellery, cakes and buns etc.
- If pupils are baking, we ask that there are no nuts in any of the products.
- Some children are working together at one stall, others are doing their own. A stall costs €3 and this goes to the Student Council.
- All other monies raised can be kept by the children themselves!
- We would ask that if your child is selling at a stall that they would have a float with some change in it as it will be impossible for us to provide a float for all stalls.
- We are leaving this as an in-house school event as the hall will be very busy. The infants to 2nd will visit Friday morning and then the senior end will visit.
- Please encourage your child to bring in some euros for this as often there are children without money.
Parent/Teacher Meetings
Please check the bags/homework folders for the notes that went out about the meeting times.
Scór Competition
We wish all of our competitors all the best of luck tomorrow night in the Opera House. Go n-éirí an bóthar libh!