There are two teams going from our school to the Chess Ficheall tournament being held on Friday March 7th 2025. This will be held in the CBS Primary school in Wexford.
The following children are on the Masters Team -
6th Class: Sophie B, Ali O'S, Ruby O'S, Adam R,
4th Class: Kevin C, Rory H, Lorcan W and Riley M
The following children are on the Budding Team -
6th Class: Katie C, Ella H
5th Class: Conor R
4th Class: Layla L, Isabelle H, Colm McL, Harley S, Kevin B.
We have four subs in the event of anyone dropping out.
- Parents will have to drop kids to the CBS primary school for 9.15am that day.
- The pupils need to bring their own lunch on the day as they won't have school lunch and they will have two breaks in there.
- The competition finishes at 2pm. Parents can collect from there.
One of our parents Sam Cloney will be the parent/chaperone there on the day.
We wish all of our competitors the very best.