St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Community Games - school based Art and Handwriting competition

Community Games - school based Art and Handwriting competition

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This year, we have been asked to host the Handwriting and Art competitions for Community Games.

Art takes 2 hours and Handwriting 1 hour.

Handwriting Competition

We will hold the Handwriting after school next Tuesday Feb. 25th from 3 - 4pm. Lots of children have put their names down but I explained that they need to check with parents to see if they can do it. If they can, they will do the competition in school at 3pm and Ms. Kenny will supervise this. The rules are as follows:

They must copy a piece of text in their best writing onto an A4 sheet of ruled paper which Ms. Kenny will give them.
For U 10s it is 100 to 15o words and for U 12s and U 14s it is between 200 - 250 words.
They will use pencil
Their name, school and age category will be put on the back of their handwriting.

If you wish for your child(ren) to take part in these competitions please ensure they are collected at 4pm - Ms. Kenny will walk them to the green gate down at the end of the path.

Art Competition

We will hold the Art competition after school next Thursday Feb. 27th from 3 - 5pm. Ms. Franey will supervise this. The rules are as follows:

  • Children can paint, draw, sketch or do a collage
  • They must bring in their own materials for this
  • U 8s and Under 10s can choose any Community Games activity as their inspiration
  • U 12s and Under 14s can be inspired by this list of 10 Community Games activities - Solo Dance, Group Singing, Athletic Relays, Tag Rugby, Volleyball, Pitch n Putt, Long Jump, Cycling on Grass, Soccer or Model Making
  • Art does take two hours and if unfinished it has to be entered as it is
  • No Art work can be done at home in advance
  • The pupils' name, school and age category will be put on the back of their art work

Thanks everyone,


Feb 20
Midterm Break
Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty