St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Weekly Update from Principal

Weekly Update from Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Some reminders and information:

Rackard League

Well done to the boys and girls football teams who both won their matches against Fethard this week. There is no girls match next week.

Boys will play Ramsgrange in Ramsgrange on Wednesday at 2.30pm. Leave school at 2pm.

There may be a Rising Stars game next week also which is for 4th class only - fixture yet to be organised. Keep an eye on the messages.


Some classes have begun reading homework. The infant classes will begin their Phonics on this Monday. All information will be explained to parents in the homework folders.

Homework begins for everyone then on Monday Sept. 30th.

Hot lunches

Some pupils are not eating their hot lunches at all so we ask that parents contact
We hate to see any food wasted.


14 of our 5th and 6th class pupils will represent our school on an Erasmus trip to Stockholm from Monday Sept. 23rd - 27th. They are getting very excited now and we hope that they all have a super time. They will visit one of the schools that some of the teachers visited last year and will have two days of cultural and leisure activities on the Weds and Thurs.

Denise and Adrian, owners of the Bargy Bar, have very kindly sponsored a bus to take us all home from Dublin airport on the Friday. We had originally booked Wexford Bus but we would probably have missed our 8.30pm bus home. So Denise and Adrian have hired a coach to take us all back and hopefully we will be here at Ballymitty NS by 10.30pm/11pm latest!

I will send out some information to the pupils next week with a few last minute reminders.

We wish them and the staff going with them a safe and productive trip!

Enjoy the weekend everyone,


Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2024 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty