Hi parents, guardians, boys and girls!
I hope that everyone is keeping well and enjoying the weekend. I want to again say well done to everybody who continued to send in fantastic pieces of work last week. I know it is hard but so many of you have been working so hard and have a well deserved 2 days off to look forward to this week!
This week is Active Schools Week in Ballymitty NS. I have uploaded a week of Active work onto Seesaw with lots of ideas of ways to be active for everyone in 2nd and 3rd Class each day.
This week is also the week we will be taking our Mid-Term Break. The work that has been uploaded to Seesaw is for Monday-Wednesday and there are some optional Active Week activities that you may like to do Thursday and Friday.
As always we will have our weekly Zoom call on Wednesday at 11am. I will be in touch in the meantime with the details about the call. Have a look below at some of the fantastic art that some pupils completed during the week and over our Zoom call.

As always, please send me an email should you need anything at all or have any questions/concerns. My email address is ballymittyafoley@gmail.com.
All the best,
Áine Foley