St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

2nd and 3rd Class Play Costumes

2nd and 3rd Class Play Costumes
Dear Parents/Guardians,

This year 2nd and 3rd Class will be performing a Christmas Play together called ‘No One Wraps Like an Elf’ on Monday 19th December at 1:30pm in the school GP room.

Your child has been given lines to learn so please continue to practice them together every evening for homework. All lines will need to be learned off by heart by this Wednesday the 7th of December. We would also ask that your child continues to practice singing the songs each night. Please click here for the songs.

Over the next week we ask that you begin to source a costume for your child. Please send in the costumes as soon as you have them in a bag with your child’s name on them please.

School costumes that we already have:


Costumes to be sourced by parents:




Red and Green Clothes with pointy elf hats. Hat, gloves and scarfs for elves 1,2,3.


Dressed as an elf, with an additional waistcoat and glasses.

Elvira and Elvis

Dressed as elves with the addition of something sparkly.

Bibble and Bobble

Dressed as elves, with tool belts and big cardboard scissors and screwdrivers.

Jobsworth and Tickit

Dressed as elves, with the addition of hi-vis jackets.

Smash & Grab

Smart outfits - with bow ties if possible.

Mint Spies

Dark jackets and trousers, white shirts, black ties and dark glasses.


Brown tops, brown leggings and antlers. Bright red nose for Rudolph.


Smart-casual outfits. Mr. A to be dressed in P.E. gear.

Shop Assistants

Smart navy/black skirts/trousers with red or green shirts or t-shirts.

Ninja Knights

Black tops and trousers, with black balaclavas.


School uniform with a coat, hat and scarf.

Shoppers and P.A.

Outdoor winter clothes.


Dark leggings/trousers with brightly coloured t-shirts.

Many Thanks,

Ms. Franey, Ms. Keogh and Ms. O'Grady

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty