St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Are you ready?... Let's go!

Are you ready?... Let's go!

Good morning everyone!

It is Virtual School Tours Week for the Junior Classes!!! Hurray! smile

Ms. Keogh, Ms. Franey, Ms. Hannigan and I have collaborated to bring you not one… not two… but THREE virtual school tour ideas and activities for this week!

I’m exhausted even thinking about it! It’s going to be so much fun!

Of course, nobody has to complete all three tours if you do not want to… but who wouldn’t want to visit an aquarium, find out where our President lives and/or take a trip to Disney World???

For the pupils of An Choill Bheag, I suggest that you alternate between tour days and regular activity days (i.e. Monday: Tour Day, Tuesday: Regular Activity Day, Wednesday: Tour Day… etc). This is just a suggestion. As the tours can be taken from the comfort of your living room, you may decide to save your tour days for any days when the weather is not so good. It is totally up to you!

Here are your three Virtual School Tour options – Have fun!!

Don’t forget to wear your Virtual School Tour t-shirts! Send your photos to

If you wish to continue with some regular activity days, I suggest following a similar format to last week…

Morning Routine:

Just like last week, I suggest that you begin every morning again this week with 5-10 minutes of yoga, followed by this week’s song.

Remember that Tina has lots of fabulous yoga videos on our school app. Alternatively, here is an animated Morning Yoga Routine video for kids: Moovlee Morning Yoga Routine.

We will be doing lots of ‘virtual’ travelling this week for Virtual School Tours Week. This week’s song is ‘The Travel Song’ by the Singing Walrus. It is not an action-song, as such, but you can always make it into one by dancing along!

Fine Motor Activities:

Don’t forget to practise your fine motor skills every day! Click here for ten easy fine motor skills activities. I suggest that you try one or two of these per day.

Vestibular Input:

Please continue to choose one or two vestibular input activities per day.


Gross Motor Skills:

Try out one or two activities from the list each day. There are lots to choose from!


Recipe of the Week, Lámh Signs and Arts & Crafts Idea:

Recipe of the Week


Lámh Song of the Week

Our Lámh song for this week is ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ – a perfect song to sing on our virtual school tour bus journey! Please click on the links attached at the bottom of this page to learn the keyword signs and to listen to the song.

Mail a Hug

Mail a Hug.jpeg

Isn’t this just the sweetest idea! Why not mail a hug to a friend or family member (a grandparent perhaps?) that you have not been able to spend much time with lately. Click here to view Mail a Hug Art Activity.

Evening Routine:

How did your family games nights go last week? Click on the link again below, if you would like to continue with the games. Don’t forget Lámh Colours Bingo! Click here for Indoor Family Games Activity Ideas.

To wind down after your game, I suggest 5-10 minutes of bedroom yoga. Here is the Night Time Routine Yoga video again.

For any parents interested in the Attention Autism programme, I just thought that I would mention that registration is now taking place for online training with Gina Davies herself!


This link will bring you to the registration details.

Also, parents please do not forget that our school will be open this Friday, 12th June to facilitate book rental returns as well at the collection of a number of important items (eg. End-of-Year Report Cards, information regarding your child’s 6th Class buddy for next year… etc). Click here for details of same from Ms. McCarthy.

Have a fantastic Virtual School Tour Week!

Ms. Casey cool

To learn the keyword Lámh signs for the song ‘The Wheels on the bus’ please click here.

Click here for ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ song. Don’t forget to sign along!

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty