St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Booklists 2020/2021

Booklists for all classes!
Booklists 2020/2021

Dear Parents,

Our Booklists have been finalised. You can check the website under Parents' Area > Booklists 2020/2021 or by clicking here.

Or please see our booklists below:

Junior Infants Booklist

Senior Infants Booklist

1st Class Booklist

2nd Class Booklist

3rd Class Booklist

4th Class Booklist

5th Class Booklist Ms. O'Grady

5th Class Booklist Ms. Trish Foley

6th Class Booklist Ms. Trish Foley

An Choill Bheag/An Choill Mhór Booklist

We have reduced the book bill for all classes this year - reductions of between 25% - 32% on the book bills compared to last year. We have also made them the same price across the classes.

For Incoming Junior Infants parents remember: the school buys in the workbooks, we provide rentals and some items may have to be purchased by parents.

Payments must all be made online through Aladdin ePayments from now. Helena will send each family a link through Aladdin and you must download the Aladdin App to pay the book bill. Instructions are on our website under Parents' Area > Booklists 2020/2021.

First Holy Communion (2nd class) and Confirmation classes (5th and 6th) will need workbooks which we will ask you to purchase later in the school year.

If you have any queries about the booklists, please contact me on school phone number 051 561324 or email us on our new email address:


Audrey and staff

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty