St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Europe Day Celebrations last Friday

Europe Day Celebrations last Friday

Dear Parents/Guardians,

4th/5th classes took part in a programme called The Blue Star Programme this year. Part of this programme is to have a school celebration about Europe and to invite some guests.

On Friday last, our pupils prepared projects and food from all of the 27 EU countries. Their parents/guardians were invited in as well as some guests. We had some staff present, we had some members of our Board of Management, we had our 3 Spanish teachers who were visiting for the week on their Erasmus project and we had Paul Kehoe TD, Councillors Jim Codd and Jim Moore and Simon Boyce, a local community member.

The pupils prepared speeches and delivered these to the audience with great confidence. CLICK HERE to see the video of the pupil speeches.

During the event, a parent spoke about the upcoming Erasmus trips for some of the 4th/5th class pupils. CLICK HERE to see this speech.

The parents and pupils of 4th/5th class did some fundraising and they presented a cheque for €3685.70 to Rory Anglim and Shannon Nacey who accepted the cheque on behalf of the pupils who will travel. We thank everyone for their super contribution to this.


On the day the Principal of the Spanish school Laura made a speech also to say how much they enjoyed their visit to our school. CLICK HERE for this video.

CLICK HERE for the Principal's speech and CLICK HERE for the teacher Karen Robinson's speech.

Finally, some of our guests were asked to reflect on the EU and how it has impacted them in their jobs and roles.

CLICK HERE for Paul Kehoe's speech

CLICK HERE for Cllr. Jim Codd

CLICK HERE for Cllr. Jim Moore

CLICK HERE for Simon Boyce


Well done to all our boys and girls in 4th/5th who have been part of this programme and I thank all our school community and guests for their support with this. This was a super day for the school and above all wonderful to have parents/guardians and visitors back into school again.

IMG_20220522_095528.jpg from left: Chairperson of our Board of Management, Mary Hayward, Simon Boyce, Principal Audrey McCarthy, TD Paul Kehoe, Cllr. Jim Moore and Principal of Escola Sant Bernat, Tarragona, Laura Chamorro.



Feb 20
Midterm Break
Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty