Our First Day of Junior Infants
We had a very busy and exciting first week in Junior Infants.
In the morning, after we finished washing our hands, we had Free Play.

We also started practicing our nursery rhymes and coloured in our Nursery Rhyme Booklet.
This week we sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Humpty Dumpty and Hey Diddle Diddle.

After breaktime, we drew some pictures in our 'My First Week in Junior Infants' Booklet.
We drew a self portrait, a picture of our family, our home, our favourite colour, our favourite animal and a picture of our teacher.

Before we went home we did some dancing to some very fun songs on Youtube. Click on the name of the song to dance to it at home. The boys and girls can show you their excellent dance moves.
Herman the Worm
Elephants have Wrinkles
Wake Up Song
We had lots of fun and are looking forward to next week.