St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Freshtoday Lunch information

Fresytoday Lunch information

Dear Parents/Guardians,

A letter went out for each child yesterday so that parents could log in to order hot lunches which will start on Monday April 15th.

The process is as follows:

1. Log in using the username and password on the sheet that went home

2. Select any allergens that apply to your child.

3. Select the lunches you want your child to receive each day. There is a wide selection to choose from and they can have something different every day!

Until the pupils get to know what the food is like we encourage all parents to choose something.

The default lunch for your child on the first week will be Chicken Curry and Rice.

For some parents who have already said they are concerned about what their child will eat, we encourage you to select something with them for the first week. From speaking with other schools, it is often the case that the children will all eat because their friends and classmates are eating so nobody wants to feel left out.

As Freshtoday are setting these systems up in many schools, there will be log in problems. If you have any log in problems you have to email because we can't do any IT supports from here.

All lunch orders have to be put in by April 11th.

Thanks everyone,


May 06
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May 18
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Jun 03
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Jun 17
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Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2024 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty