St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Friendship Week

A different sort of Friendship Week has ended!
Friendship Week

Dear School Community,

We had a lovely week this week in our school where we celebrated Friendship in all the classes. We did lots of lessons around the importance of friendship and respect for one and all. We did friendship stories, poems, songs and Art. All of our pupils took part in our Art Competition where there were 2 winners chosen in each room for the best pictures. Well done to the following pupils:

Ms. Franey's Junior Infant winner: Molly McCarthy

Ms. Franey's Senior Infant winner: Saoirse Hannon

Ms. O'Brien's Senior Infant winner: Leona Rooney

Ms. O'Brien's 1st class winner: Ryan Waters

An Choill Bheag Winner: Larry Fagan

Ms. Áine Foley's 2nd class winner: Tadhg Hendrick

Ms. Áine Foley's 3rd class winner: Lily Reville

Ms. O'Grady's 4th class winner: Dea Kehoe Dos Santos

Ms. O'Grady's 5th class winner: Abbie Nacey

Ms. Trish Foley's 5th class winner: Luke O'Sullivan

Ms. Trish Foley's 6th class winner: Aoibhe Reville

Finally, we finished our week with our Online Friendship Week Zoom Assembly for all our classes. It is hard for our classes not to mix together these days for school events and we set this up so that all our classes could see each other. So lovely to see us all together in a different way.

Just a reminder for the day we get our Hallowe'en holidays - Fri. October 23rd: We will have our first Student Council fundraiser. This will be a Non Uniform Day where pupils can dress up for Halloween. We usually ask pupils to bring in €2/€3. Our Student Council members from the 5th/6th class bubble will meet next week to decide on a local charity.

We wish everyone a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!

Míle buíochas,


Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty