Hi boy and girls, Mams and Dads,
I hope everybody is keeping safe and well.
We've finally made it to the end of June! Just one more full week left until we're officially on our summer holidays!! 

Mindfulness Week
For the next 6 school days, we have planned some mindfulness activities for the children in a Mindfulness Choice Board. This is moving away from the academic work and eases them all into the holiday mode. We have outlined some yoga activities that can be done every day (choose from energising or relaxing yoga or both!!) and then one other activity to choose from each day also.
Last Day Fun
There is also an additional plan specifically for the last day of school which includes a bucket list of activities that might help to keep the children amused over the holidays. We normally get our holidays at 12 o'clock on the last day of school so perhaps on Tuesday, 30th June at noon, you might like to mark it by doing something special (perhaps even the suggested water fight!!
Attendance Awards
As mentioned in this week's video, I'd like to say a HUGE WELL DONE to these boys in Junior Infants who won the best Attendance Awards for this year;
Colm McLoughlin - 1 day missed
Riley Murphy - 2 days missed
Donnacha Barry - 3 days missed.
Congratulations to you boys on this great achievement.
Remember that being in school everyday matters so on the days you are able to attend, please make every effort to be there!
Final Words
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the parents, siblings and anyone else who helped these wonderful Junior Infants to complete their first year in school.....at home. It hasn't been an easy road but well done to all for the huge effort made, especially to the children themselves. It must have been very strange for them not seeing their friends and missing out on the routine of school life but they made it through and they should be very proud of themselves for doing so.
Well done boys and girls. You are all fantastic and I'm so proud of each and every one of you. Thank you for all your hard work and I hope that I will get to teach you in person some time in the near future.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer and I wish you all the very best of luck in Senior Infants. Fingers crossed Ballymitty school will open its doors as usual next September.
Stay safe everyone and let's hope we get some more sunshine.
Keep smiling!! 
Kindest regards,
Ms. Keogh