Dear Parents,
On Monday 24th October, 2022, the children from Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st Class and 2nd Class will go on a Halloween Trip to Ballycross Apple Farm.
We will leave school at 9.30am, please ensure your child is in school on time. We will return to school at 1.30pm.
The tour will cost €10 per child. This is to cover the cost of the bus and the entry to Ballycross.
Children will need to wear their school tracksuit and suitable rain gear and wellies. They will bring their normal packed lunch and can have a small treat included. Children will not need to bring anything else with them.
All parents are asked to fill in an online permission slip for their child. Please click here to access the permission slip. The permission slip can also be accessed on the school app by clicking forms.
We kindly ask that all payments are made through Aladdin. You will receive an Aladdin payment link to pay for the tour.
If you have any queries about the school trip please email your child's teacher.
Kind regards,
Ms. Butler, Ms. Kenny and Ms. O’Grady