Hi Josh, Eve, Jaime, Teegan and Tyrese!!
I hope you all had a lovely week! It was so lovely to see some of your smiling faces on Friday through Zoom
I could see how happy it made you all so we will try it again this Friday. Here is my weekly check-in video.
It was great to hear some feedback on the work you have been sent and I am delighted you are enjoying the worksheets, I will send you some more next week!
This week I want you to continue with those worksheets, Mental Maths, reading and your exercising as normal. Don’t forget about the online work too if you have access to the websites and apps please use them. I will also attach the recipe to the amazing cookies I told you about, if you would like to try them. I cannot recommend them enough, and I apologise in advance because you will want to eat them all
Here is the recipe.
Another nice refreshing summer breakfast you might like to try is a tasty Strawberry Smoothie.
It is so easy to make once you have a blender.
All you need is,
- a handful of strawberries, fresh or frozen,
- 250ml of orange juice,
- two tablespoons of yoghurt
- half a banana.
- a handful ice if you want it nice and cold.
All you need to do it pop everything into the blender and watch it all turn into a lovely pink smoothie!!!
Smoothies are great because you can add any fruit you want into them and they are so refreshing in the summer months.
This week we got a very exciting delivery here
, we got 10 lovely hens for the garden!! You know what that means…..fresh eggs for breakfast every morning. Each hen lays 1 egg a day so we get 10 eggs each day which is a lot for the two of us so we share them with our neighbours. This is about as exciting as my life could get at the moment!
Edyta has told me about the games you have been playing whilst on video call to her every week, I hope you all are enjoying that as much as she is.
I have found some new activities for OT at home. I will attach the links below, they will give you some ideas of how to make the most of things you have at home like milk cartons and balloons. Click here for the website for some more ideas
That's all from me, I will chat to you all again next week!
Stay Safe,
Balloon Juggling
Balloon Volleyball