St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Hi to Junior Infants

Virtual School Tour Week
Hi to Junior Infants

Hi everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed our water theme week. Only 3 more weeks of school left now before the summer holidays! cool

Virtual School Tours

This week is very exciting!! If we were in school now, we would be going on our school tour but seeing as we're at home, we're going to go on virtual school tours instead. So pack your lunch, apply your suncream and get ready to have some fun!!

All classes from Junior Infants - 2nd Class will be going on the same virtual tours. We have also put together a range of activities linking with the tours that will hopefully cater for all ages and abilities. Click here for this week's video.

Áras an Uachtaráin Virtual Tour

Our first tour is based on our President's home - Áras an Uachtaráin in Co. Dublin, the capital of Ireland. On this tour, you get the opportunity to see inside this important building and there is also a choice board of activities you can do based on this tour. Some choices include; creating a menu for the President, building your own Áras an Uachtaráin from lego and hearing stories such as 'The President's Cat'.

Aquarium Virtual Tour

The next tour is set in an aquarium where you join Blippi as he gets up close and personal with penguins, sharks, sting rays and lots more. There is also a choice board of activities based on the aquarium which include; water based experiments,writing underwater poems and creating your own beach scene in a shoebox.

Disney World Virtual Tour

Just for fun we've included this virtual tour that brings you to Disney World. This link brings you to a PDF page but if you click on the pictures, they will allow you to view the parades / the rides / the fireworks. Enjoy!

As always, you can do as many or as few of the activities as you wish and please send on any pictures that you would like to appear on the Class Blog.


This week, the children are on Topic 3 'Touches', Lesson 2 'Never Keep a Touch a Secret' (p. 53).This is quite a sensitive lesson and a very important one to be done with your children. In the Teacher's Resources section, the following 3 activities are based on this lesson;

TR13 - Some parts of our bodies are private, TR14 - What if ....slides and TR15 - The Tickling Game.

We would kindly ask that you would continue to make S.P.H.E a priority each week until we complete the Stay Safe programme.


Collection of Children's Belongings - Message from our Principal

School will open on Friday June 12th from 10am - 3pm for the following:

For parents to return any rental books to school such as Planet Maths, Read at Home, etc. - see list below this article!

For parents to return any readers (such as PM readers for the junior end) and any library books that your child is finished with. (We have no problem allowing parents to borrow school library books until the libraries in town re-open)

For parents to collect items such as dictionaries, calculators, tin whistles, pencil cases, art work etc. These will be left in family bundles in the GP Room.

School reports will be left on family bundles also.

5th class parents will collect an envelope with the name of their Junior Infant Buddy inside!

6th class parents will collect some information about their Graduation on Friday June 26th (or Monday June 29th at 7pm, if raining!)

Next year's Junior Infant parents can collect a Welcome Pack. Their new teacher Ms. Deirdre Franey will be there from 1 - 3pm to say hello and if you don't know the school you can take a quick peep around. Parents only please.

I will also be there to meet any parents who come in. Other members of staff may be present also.

Please follow all public health guidelines and we ask you to remember the following:

Parents to line up 2 metres apart at marked out areas.
Only one family (parents only) at a time will be allowed to access the building.
Parents will enter through main school entrance door and exit through GP room door.

We ask you all to make a huge effort to collect all items and return school rental books. We do need to do a big clean in our school and therefore ensure that all pupil equipment/materials are sent home.

We thank you for your co operation.

Thanking you. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Stay safe,


School Rental Books to be returned

Senior Infants; Each child has one P.M reader to return

2nd class; Read at home – Second Class, Planet Maths Satellite book – Second Class

3rd/ 4th class; Planet Maths, Treasury, Read at home, Léigh sa Bhaile, School library book

4th /5th class; Planet Maths, Treasury

6th class ; Planet Maths, Read at Home, Treasury, EarthLink, Léigh sa Bhaile, Grow in Love


Many thanks for your continued support and co-operation. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to contact me on

Have a great week everyone and stay safe.

Kind Regards,

Ms. Keogh

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty