July Provision Week 2
This week was our second and final week of July Provision and what a week we had!!! We were very good at washing and sanitising our hands this week, it is part of our routine now.
We were very lucky with the weather this week, we got to go outside a lot more than last week. Edyta kindly let us borrow her tent, so we all helped to put it up and enjoyed using it for reading, picnics and games. Who needs Electric Picnic when you can have Ballymitty Picnic!

Once again Nicola from ‘Stretch and Grow’ was in to play with us. This week she brought her snowballs which we love using, we had lots of fun throwing snowballs at each other. The bubbles are always fun to use outside and Nicola was able to make giant bubbles for us to chase after. We also learned about the food pyramid and what food we need to eat to make our bodies healthy. Thank You Nicola.

We did yoga with Tina again which was lovely and relaxing, Tina showed us some stretches to help our backs feel good. Thank you, Tina.

This week we baked some yummy treats, Cookie Cake and Rocky Road. We helped Ms. Curtis by reading out the ingredients and method for her. We all brought home the recipes to try with our families in the future.
We did some fabulous Summer Art, Ben and Conn made Smiley Suns and Eve, Jaime, Teegan and Tyrese made Summer Silhouettes. We love doing art in school.

We enjoyed playing games inside when the weather wasn’t the best, we played Ludo, Snap and Snake and Ladders.
On Friday we had Movie Day and we all came together and watched ‘Planes’. We really enjoyed the movie and also got to eat lovely popcorn too.
Our 2 weeks are now over, and we are very sad. We had the best time being back in school and we cannot wait to come back in September. It was great to spend time with our friends and teachers.

We are very lucky that Ms. McCarthy let us back for 2 weeks. Thank you to Ms. Curtis, Geraldine and Edyta for a fun-filled 2 weeks, we will miss you all over the summer holidays. Have a look at our video below and you will see all the things we got up to during the week, we had fun recording our voices for the video too.
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!