St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Let’s be Superheroes!

Let’s be Superheroes!

Good morning everyone,

I hope that you all had another wonderful week – filled with lots of colour and fun! cool

This week, we will be exploring the theme of superheroes!

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Which superhero would you like to be? There are so many to choose from, it is difficult to decide!

A superhero generally needs lots of energy (to help them to get all of their superhero work done!). Here is a really cool action-song called ‘Let’s be Superheroes’. I strongly recommend that you begin every morning this week with this song – it is so much fun and it will really wake you up and fill you with lots of super-energy for the day ahead! Maybe the whole family could join in with the actions?

Click here for ‘Let’s be Superheroes’ action song.

On Wednesday, as always, ‘Super Geraldine’ will send on her usual Wednesday Storytime video to the pupils of An Choill Bheag. And then, on Friday ‘Super Mel’ will forward on her usual Friday Storytime video.

I know how much you all look forward to the storytime videos every week! Thanks again to our ‘Super SNAs’ for these and for all of their great work!


As an extra little treat this week, here is a ‘Super Monday Storytime’.

It is a story by ‘Super Author’, Julia Donaldson, and is all about a worm (yes, a wiggly worm) … who has superpowers!!

Click here for ‘Superworm’ storytime.

I know that some of the parents of An Choill Bheag have been trying out some Attention Autism activities at home. Here is a great Attention Autism activity, which is based on the story of Superworm.

Superworm Attention Autism Activity Ideas

There are lots of fun and creative Arts & Crafts activities that you might like to try out with your families this week.

4 Awesome Superhero Crafts & 13 DIY Superhero Ideas.

Of course, you will need to recharge your superhero batteries regularly this week too! And what better way to recharge those superhero batteries than with a superfood?!

The wealth of nutrients in bananas make them a ‘superfood’ and, therefore, you really should consider trying to include bananas as part of your healthy daily regimen.

Here is a lovely recipe that you might like to try out, using bananas.

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Of course, I understand that being a superhero can get quite tiring and isn’t always easy!

Don’t forget to take some down-time to relax your bodies, with one of Tina’s super yoga videos.

Or, for the week that’s in it, here is a link to Superhero Yoga for Kids.

This is just one of the many animated yoga videos for kids that can be found on a super YouTube channel called Moovlee. Check them out!

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If you are having a bad day or week (we all have them from time to time – even superheroes do!), perhaps Mam or Dad might take a look at a free app called ‘Chill Panda’, which comes recommended by the Middletown Centre for Autism.

Suggested tasks within the app include simple breathing techniques and light exercises which can help to take your mind off your worries. Click here to download ‘Chill Panda’ app.

We have all heard the saying ‘Superheroes don’t always wear capes’ and this has never been as apt as in recent times!

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Our Lámh song for this week is all about a visit from a real-life superhero (i.e. the doctor) to a sick dolly. The song (in case you haven’t guessed already) is ‘Miss Polly’ and it is probably the most popular Lámh song in An Choill Bheag. The links, as always, are attached below.

Lastly, I would like to remind the ‘Super Pupils’ of An Choill Bheag just how great they all are - and especially how fantastic they have all been over the past couple of months!

The ‘Super Staff’ of Ballymitty N.S. are super proud (as always) of ‘Super Ben’, ‘Super Conn’ and 'Super Tommy'.

And let’s not forget their ‘Super Siblings’! We know how super helpful you have all been at home in recent weeks, and we commend you all!

Keep up the great work everyone and have a super-duper week!

Ms. Casey.

‘Miss Polly’ Lámh Signs (Verse One):Video for Verse One Lámh Signs

‘Miss Polly’ Lámh Signs (Verse Two):Video for Verse Two Lámh Signs

Lámh song - ‘Miss Polly’:Click here for ‘Miss Polly’ Lámh song

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Reminder to Parents:

If you haven’t done so already, we would really appreciate it if you could put aside five minutes to fill out our online survey. And, if you could please submit it before 8 p.m. on Thursday eveningClick here for survey.

Thanking you all in advance.

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75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty