St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Message from Principal

Some updates from this week
Message from Principal

Dear Parents,

We have reached the end of another week in school and thankfully all is well. Well done to all the pupils who continue to wash and sanitise hands before and after breaks, when we come in every morning and when we go home every evening.

Well done to all our staff who are getting used to teaching and working with masks - not easy and sometimes hard for pupils to hear - but it keeps everyone safe!

Information Technology (IT): I sent out a very brief IT Survey to get parents' feedback re: devices available to pupils, homework on website and online teaching tools. Eldest and only pupils brought home the surveys on Thursday so please return to class teacher for Monday 21st.

GAA: Lloyd Colfer, our GAA coach linked to Bannow/Ballymitty GAA Club, will be back next Friday Sept. 25th. Lloyd will work with the teachers in each class to develop Fundamental Movement/GAA skills. Classes will stay in their bubbles as usual and any equipment to be used will be sanitised after.

Infant Club 2 - 3pm daily: We have had a few more pupils join our Infant Club. Do let Sam Brennan know if you wish to join it. They spend lots of time outside playing and having fun!

Carpark Safety: We have had a number of calls regarding carpark safety in the last week. A Risk Assessment of the Carpark will be done next week by our new TÚS worker Conor who will observe and record carpark behaviours for the full week. This allows us to get a good picture of what is happening. We thank you for your co-operation.

Junior Infants: Well done to all our Junior Infants, Ms. Franey and our SNAs Edyta and Geraldine who survived their first full week to 2pm!! There may be some tired little infants at home this evening! Just to remind parents that when you collect your children at 2pm please wait until Ms. Franey has seen you and make sure you go right up to the gate to collect them.

Bookbills: We ask all parents to pay for books by Friday October 3rd.

Finally, we know Covid 19 figures are rising in our county and in Ireland. We know that our priority is to keep our school open.

Over the coming few weeks it is more important than ever that we minimise our contacts, that we wear masks, that we keep our social distance, that we practice good handwashing and cough etiquette. All simple measures to make sure our little children can stay in school.

Let's all work together to keep Covid from our door.

Safe hands, safe space, safe pupils, safe place.

Thanking you for all your co-operation.

Míle buíochas,


Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty