St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Message from Principal

Message from Principal

Dear Parents, Pupils and Staff,

Well done on another week - September finished and on we proceed with October! As the cold weather sets in please remember to put names on jumpers, hats, coats etc. It can be fun trying to sort out jumpers at the end of a PE lesson or lunchtime!

We started Stretch n' Grow this week with Nicola. She does lots of different activities with the groups and the pupils loved the first day! Lloyd was back on Friday for GAA and thankfully we had super weather so lots of fresh air was taken in!

Next week is Friendship Week. We will be reminding all our classes about the universal values of kindness, respect and friendship. We try to discourage the use of the term Best Friends as sometimes other pupils can feel left out. We like to say Friends for different reasons! The classes will focus on Friendship as an integrated theme next week. All of this is based on our School Motto: Kind Hands, Kind Feet, Kind Words, Kind Hearts.

Our IT survey results can be seen here. Thank you to all who filled out the surveys. These results will be discussed at our staff meeting on Monday.

Our carpark risk assessment was carried out. The findings were that some parents aren't parking properly and reversing into the car spaces. Also, some pupils are being dropped off in the middle of the carpark in the mornings which can be very dangerous. We all know the carpark is small but the road and the large church carpark can be used also.

Our Board of Management meeting was held on Tues. Sept. 29th. At that meeting we discussed and ratified the following policies: GDPR which is our Data Protection Policy and our Admission Policy. This Admission Policy (known as the Enrolment Policy previously) clearly outlines the criteria for admission into our mainstream classes or An Choill Bheag/An Choill Mhór classes (for pupils with Autism).

Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment: This policy, which must be reviewed each year, was discussed and ratified at our meeting also. This policy outlines the ways in which our pupils are protected and safeguarded.

Class Pods (groups) will be changed after Midterm Break so on Monday November 5th the pupils will be sitting in new pods.

Homework will be put up on our website every Monday morning for the week ahead. You will find it under the Parents' Area tab >Homework 2020/2021. If your child needs a print-out of the homework s/he can get this in school.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing our pupils next week for Friendship Week!

Míle buíochas,


Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty