St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Message from Principal

Check out our Competition this week!
Message from Principal

Dear Parents and Pupils,

Another week over and we have had a great week!

It was Science Week all over Ireland this week and while we are building our Science equipment and resources over the coming months our pupils were engaged in some interesting and fun activities this week!

In Junior and Senior Infants I believe there were volcanos in the classroom! And they also learned about how we can use technology to communicate - as in - how to send an email! They even got an email back from someone calling them RASCALS!!

In Senior Infants/1st Class - the pupils made Oobleck and Cloud Dough - sounds amazing! And I am sure they will enjoy telling parents all about it!

In 2nd/3rd class the pupils did lots of fun experiments through the subjects of STEM, Biology and Chemistry!

In 4th/5th class - the pupils did lots of different experiments in their pods and watched some virtual science videos.

In 5th/6th class - the pupils have been learning about animal adaptations for the past few weeks and made catapults!

All of our pupils from An Choill Bheag and An Choill Mhór joined in with their classes for Science Week! Well done to everyone involved!

Competition Time

Want to win a Bricks 4 Kidz gift voucher??

What is Bricks 4 Kids? Bricks 4 Kidz in Wexford town provides a comprehensive suite of STEM based programmes through LEGO® construction. This voucher can be put towards LEGO® seasonal camps, birthday parties and workshops.

What to do:
Download this 365 Brainy Fact-a-Day Calendar
Cut out the squares and read all the interesting facts...
Decorate and design the squares...
Put them together as a Calendar you can use at home...
Email photos of your creation to Ms. McCarthy on

CLOSING DATE: Friday November 27th at 6pm! Winners will be announced on Friday December 4th!

Did you see the fun fact for today November 13th? There are 100 billion neurons altogether in your brain - the neurons are the nerve cells that send and receive signals from your brain! There are 186 million MORE neurons in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain than in the right hemisphere. There are lots of theories out there about the left and right sides to the brain. Some people believe in this image:

left and right side of brain.jpgWhat do you believe? Why not research more at home!

This week our pupils in An Choill started horse-riding lessons again! Some of the pupils have been there before and were so brave! The pupils not only learned how to ride the horse but how to look after and groom the horse too!

We had Lloyd again for GAA today and the pupils focused on the Fundamental Movement Skill of skipping - great to see our pupils outside learning how to use a skipping rope!

Our 5th/6th Class Pupils started the Blue Star Programme which is a wonderful way to learn all about the EU through 4 main areas - History, Geography, Culture and Creative and the Institutions of the EU. Each pupil has a country to research and this programme will finish with Europe Day in May 2021 when pupils will have to promote their country by telling us all about it and by bringing in a dish from that country! We also hope to link in with some of our local and European politicians through this programme! We are linking in with Europe all the time and you can keep an eye on our projects on our website -

Thank you to the parents who sent back consent forms for the Flu Vaccine. O'Donnell's Pharmacy will let us know soon when they will be in to give the vaccines!

We were asked to share this super video called Purple and Gold from Cottage Autism Network. You will see some of our pupils and families and it will pull on your heart strings! Check it out here:

Every so often some pupils get to Ring for Chocolate in my office if they have had a super week! Ms. Franey sent Caoimhe and Lorcan this week because they were such hard workers! Well done!

choc winners J Infants.jpg

And Ms. Casey and Chris chose Larry from An Choill Bheag!

choc winner ACB.jpg

Finally, as we move closer to (what we hope is) the end of Lockdown, let's keep remembering that by keeping up the good work of wearing masks and practicing social distance we can hopefully look forward to a less restricted Christmas!

Well done to everyone on a super week! We hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Kids, get working on that Competition!!



Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty