St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Message from Principal

Some reminders!
Message from Principal

Dear Parents, Staff and Pupils,

Happy Friday everyone!

This year, the staff came up with (stole!!) an idea to paint Pallets with Christmas images. The O'Grady family and Kehoe Farming kindly donated pallets and cable ties. Wallaces Homevalue, in particular Ruairi Harpur, kindly organised sponsorship of the paints from Fleetwood Paints and Wallace's Hardware. A huge thank you to everyone who helped with this project. The pallets are just fantastic and will be put up on the fence opposite the school car park. Well done to the kids and staff, such artistic talent! Here are the pictures of the pallets.




Please give us a beep every time you pass the pallets as a Go Raibh Maith Agat to the staff and pupils!

Ballymitty Hall Committee and the Parents and Friends Group of the school have organised a Drive Thru Santa tomorrow Sat. Dec. 12th in the church car park. Santa will arrive at 4pm to turn on the lights and will stay until 6pm to see all our fabulous kids and families from their cars! There will be a prize for the most festive car!

Photos: A reminder to Junior Infant Parents - school photos must now be paid for by next Wednesday Dec. 17th so that Will Cusack can have them back to you all on Tuesday Dec. 22nd.

Our Board of Management met on Tuesday evening for the first time with Mary Hayward as our new Chairperson. As is good practice, an agreed report will be put up on the website after each meeting. This report just highlights the mains areas/decisions that the board decided to communicate to the whole school community. You can see this report here: Agreed Report Board of Management

Also, all Boards of Management this year had to make changes to the Admissions Policy (what was known as the Enrolment Policy). This is available to see on our website under Plans and Policies. From now on, the enrolment procedures for incoming Junior Infants will change and while we don't tend to have oversubscription, we still need to follow the guidelines from the Department of Education. Therefore, on Jan. 15th an Admissions Notice will be put up on this website and it will inform parents on how they should enrol their children. Stay tuned!

Ring for Chocolate: Look who came to the office this week because they showed Kind Hands, Feet, Words and Hearts and for excellent singing! Well done to Saoirse and Keelin.

S and K.jpg

School will close on Tues. Dec. 22nd at midday, as per school calendar. Due to Covid regulations pupils will depart school at the following times to avoid too many people gathering at one time.

Bus pupils & Junior Infants and Senior Infant pupils: 11.50am

1st - 3rd & siblings of the Infants - 3rd from the senior classes: 12 midday

Remaining pupils from 4th - 6th: 12.10pm

Christmas Prizegiving and mini performances by each class will be held next Thurs/Fri in the school and put up on the Class Blogs afterwards. How we miss our big nativity plays and prizegiving ceremonies! But let's hope they will return by next year!

Survey about the first term: Finally, to get parents thoughts about how this first school term has been for you and your child we have put up a survey which you can fill out through the App. You can access it on your phone. Click the three lines in top left hand corner when App opens. Click on Forms. December 2020 Survey will open. We ask all parents to fill out the form. We will publish results next week.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Stay safe,

Audrey and Staff

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty