St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Message re: Uniform and some other updates...

Message re: Uniform and some other updates...

Dear Parents,

Just a few updates.

We are working on our plans to re open our school on Thursday August 27th for ALL pupils. Arrangements re: entrance and exiting school and other measures will be sent to you all following our Board of Management Meeting next Tues.

Induction Morning for our Junior Infant pupils: This will be on Wednesday August 26th from 10 - 12 midday. This is a way of the pupils spending time in the classroom and getting to know their teacher Ms. Franey and some of the new rules and routines. Due to the Department guidelines parents are no longer able to come into the classroom so we will have a meeting point on that morning. We will let you know more details next week. But for now, the Junior Infants need to know that their first day (2 hours only) will be on Weds. August 26th. We are so excited to meet our new pupils.

Uniform: Many parents are asking if they should buy the full uniform and tracksuit. We would advise parents to purchase what they feel is necessary this year to ensure that pupils have clean clothes everyday. Some parents may just choose the school tracksuit and back it up with non crested tracksuit tops and bottoms. And that is perfectly fine. Other parents may want their children to wear the full uniform and have the school tracksuit for PE. And that is perfectly fine too! I have spoken to Chrissie in Wallace's and she is aware of this too. She has the full stock of crested jumpers, crested tracksuits etc.

School Bags: For now, school bags won't be needed for Junior Infants to 1st class pupils. If you have purchased a bag keep it as it will be needed down the line. School bags will be needed from 2nd - 6th classes.

Lunch Boxes and Drinks: All pupils, but particularly the Infants - 1st classes, should have an easily carried lunchbox and drink. Lunch bags are sometimes a good option too.

Travel Abroad: Children who have travelled from countries not on the Green List should not attend school during the 14-day self-isolation period. This effectively means, that to be able to return to school on Thursday August 27th, pupils/families must be back in this country from non-Green List places by Wednesday August 12th, latest. To check the countries on the Green List please see this link:

Our staff will meet next Monday to discuss all plans. The Board of Management will meet next Tuesday to sign off on all plans. And we will get our school Re-opening Plan out to you all by next week. We will also get a Virtual School Tour Video out to you so that you and your children can see the school.

Ms. Áine Foley has been appointed as the teacher to 2nd/3rd class.

Please click on this weekly letter which we are asked to issue to you from the Department of Education.

We are so looking forward to seeing our pupils back in school and although school will be different it will be super to be back! In the meantime it might be good to start a count down at home for your children - school will re open for everyone in 16 days...

Please keep an eye on the website everyday for more updates!



Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty