St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Ms. Foley's 5th and 6th Class

Ms. Foley's 5th and 6th Class

Good Morning All,

I hope you all had a nice weekend.

Well done to everyone who worked so hard last week. It was brilliant to see so much of your work, keep it up!

This week for Literacy and maths, there will be a video or audio lesson going out each day at 9.20am. You can choose to send me back any work from your Skills Book. For maths, I would like you to send me back the maths assessment which will only be available on Seesaw on Friday.

There will also be a Choice Board for you to work from. Try to choose one of the boxes everyday. Some of the topics and themes from last week will remain the same but will have some additional parts added to them. For example, there is a vast amount of learning with the Second World War and this shouldn't be rushed. The Choice Board is a guide for you and if you know of an excellent book or documentary on Climate Change, for example, you could of course use that to help you with your work. You are independent learners and I want you to explore! See where the topic takes you! You can log in to Seesaw here.

It was also wonderful to see so many of you on Zoom last Friday. We will have another Class Meeting on Friday, the details will be sent to you later on in the week.

Please remember that you do not need to complete all of the work I assign each week. It is very important that you are getting lots of fresh air and exercise everyday.

If you need help with anything, please let me know. You can contact me on Seesaw or ask mam or dad to email me on

Take care and stay safe

Ms. Tricia Foley

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty