St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Ms Franey's Bright Bubbles

Ms Franey's Bright Bubbles

- Happy New Year Everyone!! - Please click this for your video this week!

Welcome back (unfortunately) to our 1st week of Home School Learning

I hope this article finds you all well.

Our new Aistear theme for the next 3 weeks is At the market. This theme runs throughout many of our subjects.

Here you will find this weeks choiceboard with a video explaining each section. This is the school work I would have covered this week in the classroom.

As I mentioned in my letter which is in your book pack, Literacy (reading) & Numeracy are the priority areas, anything else you can cover is a bonus!! Every family is in a different situation with regards to Home Learning so I do not wish to, in any way, add to your workload or anxiety. Please do what you can. If I can be any further assistance please email me on

This time around, we are using Seesaw as our online platform & you all have your individual codes. This week, there are some lessons for the JI children on cursive handwriting & No.2 & counting.

For SI, there are some lessons on sentence structure & Ms.Bohanna will have Maths work to complete.

As per our online learning plan, it is suggested that 3 pieces of work be sent back for approval over the week, if possible. These can be sent back once they are completed, they do not need to all come the same day. Do what you can, there is no pressure on anyone.

PM online reading books have been arranged for the Senior Infants children. I will email you each individual username & password over the coming days to get into your own bookshelf. The children were assessed before Christmas to see where they were at & everyone jumped up a few levels.

Junior Infants have starter reading book packs in their pile for the next 3 weeks to work on also.

Each week when you see words underlined in my article that is where you should click - this will lead you to videos, links etc!

Finally I wish to say a very big word of



who is joining our Senior Infant class.

Wishing you all a productive week.

Stay Safe everyone!


Choiceboard with links to access

please click above

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty