St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Ms Franey's Monday Zoom

Ms Franey's Monday Zoom

Hi everyone,


I am really looking forward to our very 1st Infant class ZOOM on this Mon Feb 8th at 11am. I hope as many of you as possible can join us for a chat & a catchup.

Ms. McCarthy, Ms. Bohanna, Geraldine & Edyta will be joining me. I estimate our chat will last approximately 30mins.

We will begin with Our News! Usually on a Monday, children write/draw their news. On Monday, anyone who would like to speak can tell us about what they have been up to. (2 sentences is enough so everyone gets a chance to speak) I would ask you to let me know by email on if your child would like to speak. That way I will make a list of who wants to speak. There is no pressure on anyone to speak. I just don't want to miss anyone if they just put up their hands. At the end of our news section I will ask if anyone else has anything to contribute as some shyer children might like to speak once their peers do.

I will read a story for everyone called Fidget, the naughty puppy dog. The pictures will be shared onscreen. Ms.Bohanna will be our technical wizard!!

We will then sing one of our favourite songs called Herman the worm. (if anyone would like to practice over the weekend!!)

Finally we will say & wave goodbye to each other until the following Monday Feb 15th at 11am.

Take a look at this picture which shows you some Zoom Rules we all need to remember. Please go through these with your child before Monday. Thank you!


I am sending you on the meeting ID & passcode for Mondays Zoom via a message on the app. Keep an eye for it.

Looking forward to seeing all those fantastic little faces on Monday!!😊

Chat soon,


Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty