St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Ms. Franey's Senior Infants & First Class

Ms. Franey's Senior Infants & First Class

Good afternoon everyone,😀

Welcome back after the holidays. I am really looking forward to working with these fantastic group of children for another school year - my Super Senior Infants & Fantastic First Class!!

Regular daily homework will begin from next Mon Sept 20th. Like before the children will have everything they need in their homework folder. This year, however, these folders needed to be returned each day. Every Wednesday morning we will have a reading slot with the SET teacher so each child will have their reading listened to once a week. Below please find a detailed letter outlining the homework for each class group. There will be slight changes from term to term.

If you have any questions or queries regarding homework or anything school related, please send me an email on & I will reply as promptly as I can.

Thank you as always for your continuing support. Class blog will be starting very soon & updated regularly, keep an eye on it for all our adventures!!


Homework Letter SI.pdf

Homework Letter 1st Class

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty