St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Ms. Franey's class - Some updates for this week

Ms. Franey's class - Some updates for this week

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend & are ready for the week ahead. 5 school days this week!! I bet by Thursday they will all be wrecked! But hopefully not too cranky!!wink

Everyone has settled in really well. Wednesday & Thursday handwashing took quite some time to get through but by Friday we had it cracked!! Thank you to Ms. Fitzharris on handwashing patrol!.

Everyone sang songs, learned new rhymes, did some counting, listened to stories, did lots of colouring, remembered to put hands up when they had something to contribute, showed Ms Franey the 'T sign when they needed to use the toilet. We played inside & out, got a start on improving our fine motor skills, ate our lunch but above all, loved making new friends or catching up with old friends.

Once the Junior Infants went home, Senior Infants were very busy getting back on track with their cursive writing, practising their cutting skills & recalling different lockdown adventures.

Our class is made up of 6 coloured pods (the yellow pod, the red pod, the green pod, the blue pod, the purple pod & the orange pod, made up of between 4-6 children. Each morning the 1st thing we do is to drop our lunch boxes into the tub that goes with our pod, next it's handwashing & we are ready to begin.

Our P.E days will be Thursday & Friday for the moment. This week, on Thursday, our yoga teacher Tina will make a welcome return for some classroom chair yoga. We are really looking forward to getting started!!

Junior Infants are doing well, managing to open & closed lunch boxes & bottles. Small yogurt cartons are ideal, however frubes tend to need an adults help to open.

Please send in the Return to School questionnaire as soon as possible. If you are finding it difficult to navigate at home, I can provide you with a hard copy to sign & return. Thank you.

Finally, our class blog should be up & running this week. It will give you a chance to catch a glimpse of how busy we are each day.

Looking forward to another hectic & fun filled week ahead, with lots of learning.

Kind regards,


Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty