Hi 4th and 5th Class!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

I want to say a big Well Done to everyone for continuing to send in all of their amazing work on Seesaw. It’s not easing doing your school work at home but you are all doing fantastic and I am very proud of all the hard work you are doing. I’m sure you are all looking forward to your Mid-Term break this Thursday and Friday. Please check Seesaw to see your work for this week.

We had another great Zoom last week. During our Zoom we created these Romero Britto Inspired Hearts. I was amazed by all of the pictures that were sent into me on Seesaw.

This week our Zoom will be on Wednesday at 12. Please note the change of day and time. Zoom details will be sent out on Seesaw as usual.

Last week on Seesaw, the boys and girls were busy completing Valentine themed activities. I also challenged the boys and girls to make a 'heart' using whatever materials they had at home. Here are some of their very creative hearts.

This week is 'Active Schools Week’. I have uploaded an ‘Active Schools Week’ activity to Seesaw with lots of ‘Active Challenges’ for you to complete. I can’t wait to hear how you all get on!

Our ‘Choice Board’ activities for this week are all based on 'Pancake Tuesday’, ‘Ash Wednesday’ and ‘Lent’. I hope you all enjoy your Pancakes on Tuesday!!

Remember, you do not need to complete all of the work. Just do as much work as you can. If you have any questions you can contact me through Seesaw or by email ballymittysogrady@gmail.com

Keep up the Amazing work and I hope you have an enjoyable Mid-Term Break.
Ms. O’Grady