Hi 4th and 5th Class!
I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing mid-term.

As always, I was thrilled to see all the fantastic work that was sent in on Seesaw last week. Well Done Everyone!
Please check Seesaw for your work for this week and I am looking forward to seeing more SUPER work this week.😀

5th Class Girls, this Friday was due to be your Confirmation Day. Unfortunately, it has been postponed but I am really looking forward to celebrating your special day with you all very soon. I will be in contact with you during the week.

We will have our weekly Zoom on Thursday at 11am. I will send out the details for Zoom on Seesaw.

A belated Happy 12th Birthday to Amillia.

Remember, you do not need to complete all of the work. Just do as much work as you can. If you have any questions you can contact me through Seesaw or by email ballymittysogrady@gmail.com

Keep up the GREAT work and I will see you all on Zoom.
Ms. O’Grady