St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Ms O'Grady's Sparkling Bubbles

Ms O'Grady's Sparkling Bubbles

Happy New Year 4th and 5th Class!


Welcome back and I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas!


I’m sure, like me, you are missing school and I just wanted to let you know I am proud of you all and I am looking forward to working with you online. Please check your Seesaw announcements for a letter from me.


This year we are using Seesaw as our online platform. You will need to use your individual code to log into the app. When you Log into Seesaw you will see our ‘Weekly Plan’ for this week which has your English and Maths work along with a ‘Choice Board’. I have explained our work for this week in more detail on Seesaw.

As per our ‘Supporting Home Learning’ plan, it is suggested that 3 pieces of work are sent back to me for approval each week. These can be sent back once they are completed. They do not need to be all sent back to me on the same day. Remember that Maths and English are our main focus and anything extra that you get to complete is a bonus!


We will have our class Zoom on Thursday at 11am. More details will be sent out through Seesaw.


Finally, I would like to welcome Mason to our class. Mason will be joining the boys and girls in 4th Class.

If you have any questions you can contact me through Seesaw or by email

Ms. O’Grady

The Sparkling Bubbles!.jpg

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty