St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Re-opening Plan for Ballymitty

Re-opening Plan for Ballymitty

Dear Parents,

Our Board of Management met last night and ratified our school Re-opening Plan. We ask you to please read every page of it and explain the changes to school life to your child. We want to reassure you by saying that this is OUR school plan. You will hear many different plans in other schools but we ask you to just focus on this plan.

The plan is available on our website under News > Re-opening School or click here.

A few points to note in summary:

Junior Infants Induction Morning: Next Wednesday August 26th from 10 - 12 midday.We ask you to follow the yellow foot prints around the basketball court and Ms. Franey and staff will meet you all at the new sign on the basketball court. Parents are not permitted into school. At 12 midday Ms. Franey will bring pupils down the path. Either Ms. Franey or the Principal will call parents before Weds. to check in with you all!

Junior Infants will finish at 12.30pm for the first 12 days of school. They will finish at 2pm from Monday Sept. 14th.

ALL pupils return to school on Thurs. August 27th for 9.10am. There will be a new gate at car park - no entry until 9.10am. We encourage 1st - 6th class pupils to walk up path. All classes must go into their lines straight away. The lines will be as follows:

Junior / Senior Infants: Inside green gate
Senior Infants /1st Class: Inside green gate
2nd/3rd, 4th/5th, 5th/6th: on yellow lines on basketball court.

To avoid pupils from Junior Infants - 1st class mixing with senior pupils on the yard in the mornings we ask these classes to follow the yellow foot prints around the basketball court.

When pupils exit in the evenings bus children and cyclists will leave at 2.50pm. Pupils on bus must wear masks.

1st - 3rd classes will exit at 2.55pm and 4th - 6th classes will exit at 3.05pm. This is to allow for more space and a free flow parking system.

Code of Behaviour - this has been amended to ensure that pupils are aware of expected behaviours and how we will promote positive behaviour. We ask you to read it here and over the next week we will be in touch to ask all parents to sign up to this Code.

We will also be asking parents to give permission for school staff to take your child's temperature if they are showing Covid 19 symptoms. These details will follow later in the week.

Infant Club for Senior Infant pupils will start on Monday August 31st from 2 - 3pm. It will start for the Junior Infants from Monday Sept. 14th. If you want to book a place please call or text Sam Cadogan on 087 620 1524. It runs everyday and is four euro per day. You must pay for all your days at the start of the week.

6th class Hoodies have not yet arrived but when they do you will receive a text.

Check our website on Monday morning for some videos from your teachers!

There is a lot more detail in the plan. Please read it thoroughly. The school office is open today, Thursday and Friday of this week from 9.30am to 3pm for any enquiries. Helena will be here next Monday from 9.30am to 3pm and for the full week ahead.

We are finally able to open our school. We do not know how things will work out. We have to follow guidelines to ensure our school is a safe and happy place for all of our pupils and staff. We will work together and do our best.

I look forward to seeing our new Infants on Weds. August 26th at 10am and ALL our pupils on Thurs. August 27th at 9.10am.

Míle buíochas,

Audrey McCarthy

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty