St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Reminder for Halloween Dress Up on Friday

Some reminders!
Reminder for Halloween Dress Up on Friday

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that pupils can dress up on Friday for our school Non Uniform Day. If they do not wish to dress up they can wear their own clothes.

Please minimise any accessories with the dress up outfits - part of our re-opening school plan was that pupils are asked to not bring in items from home. So if you dress up as a witch, the broomstick must remain at home!

Face masks are not allowed on Friday (the traditional Halloween masks, not Covid 19 masks) but face paint or make up is allowed.

Also, this Non-Uniform Day is in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland and while we know everyone is under pressure at the moment, perhaps the kids could rob their own piggy banks to bring in a few euros! All for a very worthy charity.

We will have a small prize on Friday for the best dressed in each classroom.

Also, on Friday, each class teacher will put up a video of the prize giving where a few pupils in each room will get some prizes for their achievements since we returned to school. We always believe that it is so important to celebrate the small successes of our pupils.

Finally, as we go into Lockdown No. 2, I hope that all of our school community stays safe and healthy. It is such a difficult time for everyone and we can always reach out to each other by phonecalls, texts etc in the absence of meeting up.

We have noticed this week some of our pupils are anxious too about Lockdown and we have done our best to reassure them.

As the Principal, I am also concerned about the welfare of our staff and we do hope that the Department of Education look after our welfare in the days and weeks to come. All we want to do is keep our school open in a manner that is safe for one and all.

We look forward to seeing the Halloween outfits on Friday!

Reminder school will close at the usual time of 2pm/3pm on Friday and re-open on Monday Nov. 2nd.



Feb 03
St. Brigid's Day Bank Holiday
Feb 17
Parent/Teacher Meetings Day 1
Feb 18
Parent/Teacher Meetings Day 2
Feb 20
Midterm Break
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty