St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Weekly Update from Principal

Weekly Update from Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Some reminders and dates for your diaries as the next couple of weeks are very busy!


My thanks to our wonderful Erasmus team of Ms. Foley, Ms. O'Grady and Síona for being wonderful ambassadors for our school in Marseille, France. They had a super time and did us proud!

You can see their Day 3 video here:

Erasmus pupil trip: The children found out today who is going to Sweden in Sept and Spain in May 2025. There was great excitement up here and it is a very exciting time for them.

Yesterday one of our parents sent a lovely email with a photo of her daughter meeting a girl who was on their Erasmus trip last year to Spain. Shirley wanted us to share their story and the fact that Erasmus is such a success:

"We headed away on holidays last week and met up with Lucia and her family from the Spain trip last year. This is absolutely fantastic that such an initiative from the school could result in such friendship. We spent the day together in Port Ventura and had a great time chatting and laughing - although me and Lucia's mum communicated through Google translate, we had a fab time."

Shirley Murphy.jpg


We will be in contact with Bodibro to arrange the hoodies for next year's 6th class. They usuallu put up a pop-up shop for a few weeks to allow parents to purchase them. We will let you know when that happens.

GAA news

Liam Kehoe, the new GPO, started with us today and was brilliant with the children. He will be here next Friday also so remember the hurls and on Friday also the 3rd - 6th will have their 8.30am morning session too.

You will see Liam over in the club too! We wish him all the best!

Remember there is Nursery Training for kids aged 6 or youngers kids on Friday from 6 - 7pm.

GAA academy.jpg

A reminder that the Juniors - 2nd continue with their 8.30am sessions next Tues. May 28th and then the final one will be June 11th.

School Tours

3 different articles went up today about the Junior Infants, Senior Infants/1st and 2nd/3rd class tours. Check previous news items on the website here.

Payment links will be sent by Aladdin and the 4th/5th and 6th class tour information will go up next week.

4th/5th class school tour will be June 18th and 6th class tour will be June 20th.

Other dates

Our incoming infants will visit the school on next Friday from 10am - 11am.

Incoming infant parents are invited into a meeting next Thurs. at 7.30pm.

Ballymitty's Got Talent Semi-Final - next Thursday in school. See my article today for further details.

Some parents are asking for first day back in school for the pupils - this will be Thurs. August 29th.

Finally, a reminder that school will close next Friday May 31st and re-open Monday June 10th.

Enjoy the weekend everyone,


Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2024 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty