Welcome to our Fifth and Sixth Class Blog!
5th and 6th Class are off to a cracking start to their school year. We’ve been very busy during the month of September. Here's a look at some of the things we've been getting up to!
Introducing the new 'Mayor of Ballymitty N.S.' – Jack Murphy
A huge congratulations to Jack Murphy who was elected the first ever Mayor of Ballymitty School. Jack’s first duty as mayor was to give a lovely welcome speech at our Beginning of the School Year Mass. Well done to all of the pupils who wrote manifestos and campaigned for the election for Mayor.

Friendship Week
We celebrated friendship week in school in a variety of ways. We played friendship games, sang songs, made art, and played a big part in our Opening of the School Year Mass. Well done to Georgia for winning the Friendship Week Art competition (see below image). Maith thú Georgia!

We helped our Junior Infant buddies to settle into school life in Ballymitty. We helped them walk down the path in the early days, we read to them and we demonstrated how to play some of our favourite yard games!

We were delighted to have Becky and Abbie in from The Red Moon Theatre group for a drama lesson. We played friendship games and showed great team spirit.

Eramsus - Mobility trip to Nice, France.
Of course, the highlight of September for 10 pupils was our Erasmus Mobility trip to Nice. I want to commend these 10 pupils for how well they represented our school. A special thanks to the remainder of 5th and 6th Class who put their ICT skills to the test and prepared a powerpoint presentation about our school and our community which was presented to our French friends. It provided the French pupils with a great insight as to what school life is like here in Ballymitty N.S. Maith sibh.
To read more about the French mobility trip and to watch some videos, please click here .

Self portraits inspired by Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Autumn Perspective Trees