St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

3rd Class

3rd Class


We are a class of 17 pupils, 9 girls & 8 boys!!

We are AMAZING! We are full of FUN! We love LEARNING & trying out new things!!

Scroll down & follow us each month as we grow, learn & build our skills & confidence

Here we are ready to begin 3rd CLASS!!!

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Ryan Waters Sept 8th

Paudie Cullen Sept 27th

This month we spent some time getting to know each other again & remembering so many fun Summer days.all about me.jpgsummer memories.jpg

We set our goal for the year..............

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As we celebrate the opening of our new 'An Choill' unit, we took a look back at 72 years of Ballymitty N.S.

As historians, we looked at written evidence (artefacts), we listened to oral accounts & we surveyed our own building.

We made a classroom timeline from 1950 - the present day Sept 2022.

Thank you to Helen Gannon (our playschool teacher) for sharing some great memories of days gone by.

We listened to other accounts of school long ago & were amazed at the huge changes that have occured.

In Geography, we looked at different types of houses in Ireland & around the world, we looked at the floor plans of our new ASD unit & spoke about the different trades people needed to build a house.

In Science, we looked at the materials needed to build. Bill, our school builder demonstrated how to build a concrete wall.

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We thoroughly enjoyed Friendship week - we had daily shared reading experiences with our 'bigger' friends in 4th class, we took part in friendship games & activities. We made friendship posters.

Congratulations to

Kayleigh Doyle

who won best friendship poster in our class!!!!


Take a look at the high standards in our classroom...

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During Friendship week we also enjoyed a visit from two members of Red MoonTheatre. They played lots of games with us like Musical Statues.We even tried out 'Silent Musical Statues@ which was great fun!!! We role-played stalking tigers & elephant ballerinas before having a rest where we let the beautiful music bring us on some amazing adventures in our minds.

In Art we tried our hands at drawing self portraits....yes that's right!!! We tried to draw ourselves!!!! We did an amazing job & our portraits bear an uncanny resemblance to ourselves!!!!

Check us out here...........

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In Music, we have been learning how to play 'Mary had a little lamb' on the tinwhistle.

We have also started practicing our songs for the Sing Out Loud concert in the National Opera House in November.

In Maths, we are busy learning more about time. We are reading the clock in 5min intervals. We played What time is it Mr. Wolf & had great fun making a human clock!

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In Art, we designed & made fantastic paperbag houses. There were steps leading to front doors, solar panels on a roof, beautiful flower displays with bees buzzing about, outdoor lighting features, gingerbread houses.... brilliant creativity!!!

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Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty