Welcome to our blog!
Meet 'An Choill Mhór!'

Meet 'An Choill Bheag!'

It was a great January in An Choill Bheag and An Choill Mhor! We were all very excited to see the start of the building works for two new ASD classrooms. Every day, we get to check out the progress and see the builders working hard through the windows! A key part of our school lives is the friendships we make. We love playing and learning with our peers in all aspects of the school!

Each week Harley, Tommy and a friend have Lego club. Darren helped to successfully make this quad!

We started off 2022 right! We got to experience 'Lioness Aerial Fitness'. It was so much fun. Check out some snapshots from our trips...


Check out our Christmas performance here!


in November, we started horse riding every Friday. We just love it! We get to ride the horses and also get to learn how to take care of them!

We visited 'Marie's Cupán Tae' and enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate. It went down a treat!

What a spooky and fun month we had! We also were so lucky to get to go visit some amazing places. We practised our social skills and brilliant manners on our adventures!


We loved dressing up for Halloween! On our last day, we played Halloween themed games. They were organised and ran by pupils from An Choill Mjhor! Check out the fun we had!

In 'An Choill', we have had lots of fun settling back into school. We have bee so happy to be in school making new friends, experiencing new things and learning new exciting things! Check us out having fun in school during September...