St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Junior & Senior Infants


We have had a great first month in Junior and Senior Infants. Here are some of the things we have gotten up to.

Fine Motor Skills

We have been working really hard on exercising our fingers to help us with our pencil control and cutting skills. We have been taking part in numerous activities each day such as threading beads, picking up pompoms with a tongs, playdoh gym on YouTube, cutting activities as well as many more activities. We hope these activities will develop our fine motor skills to help us with writing after Christmas.

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This month we are focusing on Phonological Awareness. We have been learning about rhyming and syllables. These aspects will help us with our phonics next month.


Friendship Week

This week we learned all about friendship such as how to be a good friend.

We took part in Buddy Reading with our buddies from 6th Class.

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We had a visit from The Red Moon Theatre for some drama activities about friendship and working together as a team.

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This month we have been learning about sorting, sorting by colour, shape, size etc. We have also learned about matching things that are the same.

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This month we have had our GAA coach in to practice many skills such as teamwork, throwing & catching, running etc.

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Station 1: Playdough

We made various things to do with school such as teachers, students, school bag etc.

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Station 2: Junk Art

We used numerous materials to create some junk art. We made school buses, students etc.

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Station 3: Sand

We really enjoyed some sand play.

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Station 4: Role Play

We acted out various roles in our school such as teacher, students, secretary and principal.

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Station 5: Construction

We helped to build our new school.

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Art Gallery

We paint Jack and Jill going up the hill.

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We also coloured Mr. Potato Head as we were learning about our 5 senses.

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Junior Infants

A huge well done to Junior Infants on a great first few days in Big School.JI.jpg

The boys and girls have settled in very well and I am very proud and amazed at how well they have adjusted to the new routines in Junior Infants.

Senior Infants

Senior Infants also had a great first week. They have been a great help showing the Junior Infants around and giving them some help when needed.


Free Play

Each morning this week we began with Free Play to allow the boys and girls to get to know one another and it also gave me the opportunity to get to know them better also. Here are some pictures to see what they got up to.




Each day we did some Cosmic Yoga on Youtube and heard all about Squish the Fish. It was fun to move our body and listen to the story.


Thanks everyone for a great first week and I look forward to seeing you all next week for more fun and learning.


Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty