Hi Boys and Girls,
I hope you all had a great week! Click here for this week’s video.
Similar to last week we have another ‘Choice Board’ with lots of different activities for you to choose from.
5th Class, a big 'Thank You' for sending in your ‘All About Me’ sheets for your new buddies. I have them printed out, laminated and ready to put in the Junior Infant packs. I am sure you are all really excited to find out who your buddy will be. Some of you might even have two buddies!

Reminder for Parents:
This Friday the 12th of June, the school will be open from 10am until 3pm to return Rental Books (Treasury and Planet Maths) and to collect any items that were left in school. School Reports and a 'Buddy' envelope for 5th Class will also be left with your family bundles.
The family bundles will be left in the G.P. Room in alphabetical order. Please make a huge effort to collect all items and to return school rental books.
As you enter the school, please maintain social distancing and we also ask you to remember the following:
* Parents to line up 2 metres apart at marked out areas.
* Only one family (parents only) at a time will be allowed to access the building.
* Parents will enter through main school entrance door and exit through GP room door.
As always, if you have any questions or if you’d like to send in some pictures please email ballymittyteachers@gmail.com. Click here to see some updates of the pictures I received on our Class Blog.
Keep up the fantastic work boys and girls!
Ms. O’Grady