St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Hey Super Senior Infants!!!!

Hey Super Senior Infants!!!!

Hey everyone !!cool

Big Hi to Kate, Kayleigh, Leah, Maci, Carragh, Jade, Tatum, Sophie, Aoibheann, Leona, Darren, Harry, Adam, Ryan, Paudie, Conor, Tommy & Ben & Conn in ACB!!!

Welcome back to another week of home schooling!!!! Well!! Summer has well & truly arrived!! Wasn't the weather fabulous this week, especially this bank holiday weekend!! I hope ye have all been out splashing in your paddling pools, having water-gun or water balloon fights (soakings!!) with your families, making water slides or using water slides & eating tasty outdoor BBQ food!!! Yummy!!!!

Now that Summer has brought such beautiful warm Summer sunshine, please remember to put on sunscreen every morning, top up during the day, wear a sunhat with a peak & drink plenty of cold fluids.

The new month of June (Meitheamh) brings with it 2 more birthdays to celebrate in Senior Infants, Tatum on this Friday June 5th & Adam the following Mon June 8th.

Big Happy Birthday to Tatum on Friday June 5th. Hope you have a super day Tatum full of surprises & fun. A big 7 years old!!

Happy Birthday Harry.jpgThis week & for the next 3 weeks going forward, the weekly suggested school work will be presented in a one page choice board. This week we are looking at the theme of water. On the choice board are 24 ideas to choose from, ranging from Literacy ideas, some practical maths, active suggestions, art & craft ideas, some hands on practical science experiments as well as the next SPHE lesson & some Gaeilge links. There are ideas here to suit everyone we hope. Ms Keogh, Ms Hannigan & I had a zoom meeting to put in place some ideas we hope ye will like.

I hope you all got a nice surprise when you saw the t-shirt & fabric markers this week. Usually we would be designing our own school tour t-shirts around this time in anticipation of a super day out! This year it will take a different week we will be taking a virtual school tour somewhere on our choice board. I would love if you could design your own t-shirts using the 3 fabric markers you got. Remember to put your name on the front in big bubble writing & Summer 2020 on the back also in bubble writing. Fill your white t-shirts with as many pictures as you can about Summer or where you would like to go on school tour.

Here are my girls Summer t-shirts which they designed this week also. Have fun everyone !!! Please send me in your t-shirt picture to

& I will pop it up on our class blog. Thank you!!!


This week, with all the gorgeous sunshine, I have included some recipes to make your very own tasty, fruity, healthy, delicious ice lollies. Click here for 4 recipe ideas...all mouth-watering! Ice Lolly part 1 Ice Lolly part 2

ice lolly.jpg

If you didn't get a chance to check out the how to make your own ice-cream youtube clip on last weeks Aistear, check it out this week. It is so easy to make & such active fun to help with the churning. We made it this week & it was a family affair...everyone got a chance to throw it around. Click here to see what I mean!!!

Thank you to Tina Ralph for sending in her weekly yoga videos. This week it is called Every little cell in my body is healthy, happy & well.

Keep an eye on the app also for some new G.A.A skills videos from Lloyd!

I have 3 books for you to check out this week

(1) Under the Mask - a beautiful new book, written by an Irish primary teacher all about feelings & how ye are the super heroes for staying at home.

(2) When a dragon moves in - one of our classroom favourites from storylineonline

(3) When a dragon moves in AGAIN!!! - a new story

Here is the link for this weeks suggested choice board

Click here for the link to Senior Infant Class Blog

Please send me in any pictures of what you are getting up to at home & I will add them in. Thank you!!


Always remember how proud I am of you all, no matter what you are doing at home. You are all surviving & living & learning every day.

For now Super Senior Infants, I wish you all a great week. Keep smiling!!!!laughing

Stay safe as always, keep washing those hands.

Chat next week,

Ms. Franey

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty