Hi boys and girls,
I hope you all had a lovely week. Thank you for sharing lots of pictures of the fantastic work you are all doing at home. You are doing super work!
I have uploaded all of the pictures to our Class Blog.
Click here for my weekly video and our work plan is below. Ms. Fitzharris's 4th Class and Ms. Bohanna's 5th Class Maths groups please check the 'News' section for your Maths activities.
As I mention in my video, this week I would like 5th Class to complete this ‘All About Me’ activity for their new 'Junior Infant' and 'An Choill Bheag' Buddies. You can type your information into the document or you can write it on a page. Can you please send them to ballymittyteachers@gmail.com before Friday as I need to get them all ready to send to your Buddies. Don’t forget to send on a photo of yourself too. If you have any issue sending it to me please let me know by email or leave a message on the school phone.
We will have our class 'Zoom Calls' this week. Our 5th Class Zoom Call is on Tuesday at 11am and our 4th Class Zoom Call is on Wednesday at 11am. I will send the details to access the 'Zoom Calls' through the app to all parents on Monday. Please remember to download 'Zoom' on your device and to use your name or parents name when joining the call. If you are unsure about how to set up 'Zoom' or how to join a 'Zoom Call' please send me an email and I will help you.
Please Click here to complete our Parent’s Survey about our ‘Home School Learning’ and the activities we are going to do for the month of June.
As always, if you have any questions or if you would like to share some pictures of your work or the activities you are doing at home send me an email to ballymittyteachers@gmail.com.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Zoom.
Ms. O’Grady
4th and 5th Class Work:
4th and 5th Class Work ~ 25th of May - 29th of May
English Resources:
War Horse Novel
Focus Task Answers (F - J)
Gaeilge Resources:
Gaeilge Activities and Tips (25th of May)
Mexico Resources:
Mexican Cacti Art
Project Outline ~ All About Mexico.pdf
Extra Activities:
4th and 5th Class ~ Extra Activities (25th - 29th of May)
Choice Boards (Reading, Writing, Maths and Active)