St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty

Ms. Franey's Bright Bubbles

Ms. Franey's Bright Bubbles

Hey everyone wink

Please check out the updates on our class blog...scroll to the end

Just a few updates for the week ahead......

From tomorrow & for the next 5 weeks until the October midterm, we will have a student teacher, Ms. Maria Doyle in our room on teacher placement.

On Friday, we begin our fundamental movement skills in conjunction with G.A.A skills with Lloyd Colfer & myself.

Homework continues for the Senior Infant boys & girls. Please click here for this weeks homework sheet. There is a hard copy also in the homework folder.

Well done to all my Jolly Junior Infants on surviving their 1st full week in school, finishing at 2pm each day. There were a few tired faces & little heads on tables on Friday! This week we began our jolly phonics sounds...we have learned 3 sounds.....'s', 'a', 't'.....this coming week we will learn 'i', 'p' & 'n'. We will also begin blending these sounds together to make words!!!! Please download the Jolly phonics app to help you to help your child.

Just a point of information on the lunches....children are finding it hard to finish their Dairylea Dunkies...they love the sticks but don't always finish the cheese. As these cannot be resealed, could you please pop in a small sandwich bag to put it into if left unfinished. Thank you. Also a reminder that Friday is treat day & we would encourage chocolate treats on Friday only (sandwiches with chocolate spread, rice cakes topped with chocolate or yogurt with chocolate balls are welcome on Friday)

Huge THANK YOU to you all for sending in those gorgeous baby & preschool pics. I put them all on to a powerpoint presentation & we had such fun guessing who everyone was!!! There will be a nice surprise for you all going home this week....

My email address is if you need to get in contact.

Looking forward to a great week ahead!!!

Ms. Franey cool

Apr 04
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 17
First Holy Communion
May 23
75th Anniversary Celebrations of the school
Hilltown, Ballymitty, Co. Wexford, Y35 YW81.
051 561324
© 2025 St. Joseph's N.S. Ballymitty