Hey everyone

Big Hi to Kate, Kayleigh, Leah, Maci, Carragh, Jade, Tatum, Sophie, Aoibheann, Leona,
Darren, Harry, Adam, Ryan, Paudie, Conor, Tommy & Ben & Conn in ACB!!!

Well guys can you believe it!!!! The countdown to our Summer holidays has begun!! Only 6 & a half school days left until12 o'clock on Tuesday June 30th!!! Let's hope Mr. Sun, Mr. Golden Sun remembers to come back very soon!!!!!!!!
For the next 6 days, we have put together a Mindfulness Choice Board for you to dip in & out of. This stage of the school year is all about taking a step back from academic work & it's a time to enjoy more relaxing, outdoor activities. All these ideas could happen indoors or out of doors, weather permitting. We have also included some ideas for the last day & a Summer bucket list if you feel like dipping into it at any stage in July & August. Don't forget to have that end of year/ beginning of Summer Family Water Fight (with permission!!!!)

I have updated our class blog with a review of the school year that has been!!! An unusual year but one to remember all the same!! Please check it out & see what memories jump out at you. I remember clearly that sunny Summer day in early June 2018 (2years ago) when I popped across to meet you all In Helen & Julie's room!! Those eager little faces, full of amazement, so excited to be starting 'big school'. Do you remember us all singing along to Herman the worm!!!! What fun we have had over the past 2 years....so much chat, laughter (very few tears), funny stories & daring dancing!!!!
Congratulations again to Carragh & Sophie for receiving the Attendance Awards in Senior Infants this year....only 3 days missed.!!!

A big Happy 7th Birthday in advance to Sophie Sinnott on July 13th!! The last birthday in our class to celebrate.
Hope you have a super duper day Soph!!!

Hope all the Dads, Grandads, Godfathers have all had a wonderful Father's Day!!!
To Mams & Dads, Guardians, Grandparents, Childminders,
A sincere word of thanks & appreciation for all the wonderful work that happens behind the scenes at home with these Super Kids. Thank you so very much for all your help & support (in so many ways) from home for these past 2 years.
It has been my ABSOLUTE pleasure to have been their teacher, to lay the foundation stones of learning sounds/words/ reading/ numbers etc. These past 2 years have been bursting with lots of chats, hilarious stories (best not repeated!!!)
, funny incidences, marvellous creations, brilliant learning experiences throughout all subjects.
YE are one in a minion!!!!!!
& I'm so so proud of you all.

I will tell your new teacher to expect a funtastic, fantastic, fabulous group in first class!!!!
Wishing everyone a very Happy, Active, Safe & Fun-filled Summer time.
Fingers crossed we will all get to start back again in our lovely school in September.
See ye later....
Love Ms. Franey