Hello Alex, Eve, Jaime, Tyrese and Teegan.
Welcome back!!!
I hope you are all keeping well and have been enjoying the summer with your families.
I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Alex to our school and also to An Choill Mhór. We are looking forward to you joining Team Choill Alex!!
I am Ms. R. Kenny and I will be your teacher this year. I feel very lucky to be the teacher in An Choill Mhór and I’m really looking forward to working with each and every one of you. I know we are going to have great fun together this school year.
Click here for a video of me introducing myself as I know I may be a new face to some of you.
This year we will also be joined by our wonderful SNAs Melanie and Edyta. I know they are delighted to be working in our classroom and look forward to all the exciting activities we will be doing together.

Due to Covid 19 there will be certain changes to how we do things in school.
We will be required to wash and sanitise our hands more regularly throughout the day. The whole school will be following a hand cleaning schedule. There will be hand sanitising stations in each room and in locations throughout the school. The necessary hand washing equipment will be available at each sink and the desks and doorknobs will be disinfected at regular intervals during the day by the teacher.
We will have a specific line up point on the basketball court for morning and yard times. Each morning when the gate is opened you must go straight to your line and wait there until I collect you at 9.20. All our staff will be wearing face coverings when appropriate.

I will go through everything I have mentioned above and some other details on our first day of school. It will become second nature to us all in no time. On Thursday 27th August I will meet you all on the basketball court in our new line up spot.
Please also keep an eye out on the website for a virtual tour of the school! This will give you an idea of how things will look before Thursday.
You can also take a look at our Re-opening Plan for Ballymitty and a video on handwashing from the HSE.
*NB* A Return to School Questionnaire must be filled out for each child in your family. This needs to be returned to the email address below before Thursday 27th August. Click here for Questionnaire.
Finally, if you’ve any questions or worries please feel free to contact me on my school email address which is: ballymittyrkenny@gmail.com (between the hours of 9am-6pm) or you can ring the school number on 051 561 324.
Enjoy your last few days of the summer holidays and I will see you all Thursday.
Ms. Kenny